RPM/Fedora 12

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Revision as of 08:49, 6 January 2010 by Fenton (talk | contribs) (Created descriptions of changes for Fedora 12.)
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Installation on Fedora 12

Install date = 2010-01-01

Installation generally followed the procedure outlined for Fedora 9, with the following changes. Some of these may be needed on earlier versions of Fedora as well.

DAViCal version installed:

Database configuration

As with Fedora 9, it was necessary to edit the file /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf to use "trust" mode for davical_app and md5 for the davical_dba users. It's also necessary to set the password for the davical_dba user in the database. As user postgres:

psql -c "ALTER USER davical_dba PASSWORD 'whatever'"

replacing 'whatever' with the actual password that you edit into the dba/update-davical-database script:

my $dbuser = "davical_dba";
my $dbpass = "BrqW5sLP";   <-substitute actual password here

PHP configuration

The PHP settings in the Apache virtual configuration need to be modified to show the actual directories that will be accessible to the PHP code:

php_value open_basedir "/usr/share/davical/:/usr/share/awl/:/etc/davical:/tmp"

Also, the symbolic names for the error logging flags aren't available from the config file, so an actual value is needed.

php_value error_reporting 22527

This corresponds to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRICATED. E_DEPRICATED is needed because the awl code uses one or two depricated functions, and otherwise the error log gets very chatty.